See below for other brands in stock, designer jewellery like Juvel or designer bags which are also leather handbags from Aubrey handbags. This section is exclusively for braned jewellery, branded handbags and branded accessories which we don't have a logo for on the homepage. For brand name goods and designer bags, brands or designer jewellery, branded handbags, branded jewellery, brand name bags, brand name handbags, branded jewellery, Aubrey, Juvel or other brand names and designer bags or designer jewellery, see below or the shop by brand section on the homepage.
Green Heart EarringsProduct no.: SBECe017Green Heart Earrings. Carrie Elspeth sterling silver earrings with green heart shaped stones. can be shipped within 3-5 days |
Pink Sorbet EarringsProduct no.: SBECe003Pink Sorbet Earrings. Pink Sorbet Cube Shaped Earrings with sterling silver hooks. Carrie Elspeth Branded Earrings. can be shipped within 3-5 days |
Lily Pink EarringsProduct no.: SBECe007Lily Pink Earrings. Carrie Elspeth silver earrings, hand made in Wales, Lily Pink Hearts. can be shipped within 3-5 days |
Satin Heart NecklaceProduct no.: SBNCe014Satin Heart Necklace. Satin silver hearts on a wire. Carrie Elspeth. Length approx. 17". Extension chain available. can be shipped within 3-5 days |
Satin Balls NecklaceProduct no.: SBNCe020Satin Balls Necklace. Brushed satin balls on two strings of wire, double strand necklace, approx. 17". can be shipped within 3-5 days |
Silver Beads on WireProduct no.: SBNCe006Silver Beads on Wire. Carrie Elspeth Silver Majestic Necklace of silver beads on wire, approx. 17" long. can be shipped within 3-5 days |
Black Onyx RingProduct no.: RSEr006Black Onyx Ring. Size approx. L 1/2 (L.5) or L-M. Ornate silver pattern down the side of the silver ring setting. can be shipped within 3-5 days |
Heart and Pearl Bracelet, Silver PlatedProduct no.: BFRd008Heart and Pearl Bracelet, Silver Plated. Fine t bar bracelet with long open heart charm and water pearl.
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Filigree and Mini Heart Bangle, Silver PlatedProduct no.: BFRd016Filigree and Mini Heart Bangle, Silver Plated. Bangle with flat filigree heart and small silver heart.
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Silver Bead Stretch Bracelet with Key and PadlockProduct no.: BFRd023Silver Bead Stretch Bracelet with Key and Padlock. Silver balls stretch bracelet with padlock and key.
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Silver Beads Stretch Bracelet with Orli Heart Crystal and PearlProduct no.: BFRd024Silver plated beads stretch bracelet featuring a classic Orli heart, Swarovski crystal and fresh water pearl charms.
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Enamel Heart Beaded Charm BraceletProduct no.: BFRd013Enamel Heart Beaded Charm Bracelet. Stretch bead bracelet with black enamel. Heart charm bracelet.
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can be shipped within 3-5 days |
Silver Heart Necklace with PearlProduct no.: NFRd003Silver Heart Necklace with Pearl. Front fastening t bar necklace with heart and pearl. Silver plated necklace.
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Silver Heart Pendant NecklaceProduct no.: NFRd004Silver Heart Pendant Necklace. Necklace with twin barrels on chain, long open silver heart, pearl and crystal on a silver circle.
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Silver Hook Earrings with Silver Tulip Flowers and PearlProduct no.: ESEr013Silver Hook Earrings with Silver Tulip Flowers and Pearl. Little flowers and pearls, silver hooked earrings.
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Rhodium Silver Plated Ring Embedded with Cubic ZirconiaProduct no.: RSSk002Rhodium Silver Plated Ring Embedded with Cubic Zirconia. Ring size O. White CZ stones set in silver ring.
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can be shipped within 3-5 days |
Silver Pattern Squiggle Earrings with CZProduct no.: ESSK010Silver Pattern Squiggle Earrings with CZ. Rhodium Plated Earrrings embedded with White Cubic Zirconia Stones. can be shipped within 3-5 days |
Rhodium Plated Silver Earrings Embedded with White CZProduct no.: ESSK012Rhodium Plated Silver Earrings Embedded with White CZ. Half moon shaped rhodium silver plated earrings embedded with white Cubic Zirconia. can be shipped within 3-5 days |
Juvel or Juvel jewellery, Juvel necklaces, Juvel rings, Juvel bracelets and Juvel earrings. Juvel brand, Juvel branded jewellery, Juvel brand jewellery, Juvel stockists, Juvel in North Yorkshire, Juvel in Thisk, Juvel Northallerton, Juvel jewellery shops, designer fashion jewellery, desgner costume jewellery and designer jewellery. Juvel could be described as cheap jewellery for designer jewellery. Please see the Juvel designer jewellery here.
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